We happily announce that the traditional “Let the Nation Sing!” movement has come to life again in Hungary after the hard covid-times. This year 350 singers sang together the monumental oratorio, Mendelssohn: Elias in Müpa Budapest (Palace of Arts). Hence we confidently look forward to having hundreds of chorus-singers here in early July from all over the world for our international sing-along project. Let us sing together Mozart’s Requiem and Händel’s brilliant Halleluja-movement in one of the most prestigeous concert halls of the world, in the Palace of Art in Budapest, Hungary. Be part of an international choir of around 300 singers. Spend a wonderful musical weekend in one of the most beautiful cities of the world!
Örömmel tudatjuk, hogy a nagy hagyományokkal rendelkező Énekel az ország projekt két évnyi kényszerpihenő után ismét életre kelt, és ez évben 350 énekes együtt adta elő Mendelssohn Éliását a Müpában. Ennek sikerén felbuzdulva ez év júliusában a projekt nemzetközivé bővül, ahol Mozart Requiem és Händel Halleluja c. műve kerül műsorra.
Come to beautiful Budapest,
get immersed in the magical vibes of the city,
and perform one of the most impressive musical works ever written
with one of the best philharmonic orchestras in Hungary!
What is Choir of the Nations?
Choir of the Nations is an open choir for enthusiastic chorus singers from all over the world. Beeing part of it, you have the chance to sing together with choral singers from different nations. The initiative based on the success of Énekel az ország (“Let the Country Sing”), a Hungarian amateur choir movement dating back to more than thirty years led by the world-famous, in sing-along projects well-experienced conductor, Gábor Hollerung the artistic leader of the Choral Celebration (1-3 July 2022), the maestro of one of the leading symphonic orchestras of Hungary, Budafok Dohanyi Orchestra, also playing a key role in the Choir of Nations project.
What we offer
A unique experience of performing Mozart’s Requiem as part of an international pop-up choir of 300 members in one of the most outstanding concert halls in the world, in the magnificent Béla Bartók National Concert Hall of Palace of Arts, Budapest
Working together with world-famous conductor Gábor Hollerung and Dohnanyi Orchestra Budafok, a pre-eminent philharmonic orchestra in Europe
A weekend in Budapest together with choral friends from all over the world
opportunity to listen to breathtaking choral performances at gala concerts of the Budapest International Choral Celebrations
Tentative schedule of the Budapest International Choral Celebration and Choir of the Nations project
Friday, 01/07/2022
Arrival at Budapest
20:00 Müpa – Opening Concert of the Budapest International Choral Celebrations – International Choral Gala with leading choirs from Europe
Saturday, 02/07/2022
9.30-13.00 rehearsal (choir only)
17:00 Gala concert
19:00 Gala concert
21.00 Midsummer Nights Mystery – a performance of the Adam Mickiewicz University Chamber Choir, conducted by: Krzysztof Szydzisz
Sunday, 03/07/2022
14.00-17.00 dress rehearsal with Dohnanyi Orchestra Budafok
19.00 preparation for the concert
20.00-22.00 CONCERT
22.00-22.30 Farewell (on-stage)
Participation fee: 30 EUR/person*
*Incl. VAT
Participation at all events (Gala concerts included) is included in the fee.
Travel expenses, accommodation and catering are NOT included in the fee.
Organisers are ready to offer assistance with hotel reservations if needed.
Participants must bring their own original scores/sheet music.
Using photocopied scores is not allowed.
Information: e-mail: [email protected]
A projekt tartalma
Egyedülálló lehetőség, hogy egy nemzetközi énekesekből álló, mintegy 300 tagú kórus tagjaként részt vegyél Mozart Requiem és Händel: Halleluja c. műveinek előadásában, a Béla Bartók Nemzeti Hangversenyteremben, a Müpában
Mindezt Hollerung Gábor Liszt Ferenc-díjas, Érdemes művész karmester irányítása alatt, Magyarország egyik vezető zenekara, a Budafoki Dohnányi Zenekar közreműködésével
Egy hétvége Budapesten a világ minden tájáról idesereglett kórusénekesekkel együtt
Egyedülálló lehetőség, hogy megismerd a kórusvilág élvonalát és részt vegyél hallgatóságként is a Budapesti Nemzetközi Kórusünnep rendezvényein
A Budapesti Nemzetközi Kórusünnep és a Fesztiválkórus előzetes programja
2022. július 1., péntek
20:00 Müpa – a Budapesti Nemzetközi Kórusünnep nyitóhangversenye – Nemzetközi Kórusgála
2022. július 2., szombat
9.30-13.00 próba – Mozart & Händel
17:00 Gálakoncert
19:00 Gálakoncert
21.00 Szentivánéji kórusmisztérium – a világhírű Adam Mickiewicz University Chamber Choir előadása, vezényel: Krzysztof Szydzisz
2022. július 3., vasárnap
14.00-17.00 főpróba Mozart & Händel
19.00 beéneklés
20.00-22.00 Koncert
22.00-22.30 búcsúesemény a színpadon
Részvételi díj: 7.000 Ft + Áfa, azaz 8.890 Ft / fő
A részvételi díj magában foglalja a Budapesti Nemzetközi Kórusünnep összes rendezvényére érvényes belépőt.
A szállás, ellátás költsége, valamint az útiköltség nincs benne a részvételi díjban. A szállás szervezésében készséggel nyújtunk segítséget.
Interkultur Hungaria
Tel.: 462-0330
e-mail: [email protected]
It was fantastic, just like all concerts of Dohnányi Orchestra.
It was a grand performance, I’m happy that I could be part of it.
I’m still under the spell of this concert. Congratulations!
I still haven’t come around, it was such a joy to sing with you.
Truly, it was the most wonderful experience of my life that I could sing with you.
I congratulate all of you from the bottom of my heart. It was such an indescribable delight. THANK YOU! I’d like to sing with you next year.
“It’s Monday morning. I’m sitting here in the school, the class are taking a reading literacy test. Somehow I don’t feel the inner strength to teach today. I’m still pulsating. Last night in the car on my way home I was still completely possessed by our concert and then, finally, I sunk into a dreamless sleep. But the next morning I couldn’t find my place, coffee tasted different although I drank it from a ’sacred vessel’. Strange are the people at the petrol station, strange are the colleagues in the teachers’ room, strange are the children in the corridor and in the classroom. No, it’s not them. It’s me. I’m the one being strange, because yesterday we again experienced something extraordinary. I need a few days to be able to fit in again. A year to go and everything will be this strange again. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you, Eszter, for organising this event, for the colossal amount of work you’ve put into this. Thanks to all the organisers for their contribution. Thank you to the Maestro for the comprehensible explanations, the divine hairy armed cues and the pulsation. Thank you to my fellow choir members for their energy, perseverance and swollen feet, and the fact that we have sung through this together.”
Kata Juhászné Szabó (Let the Country Sing, 2019)
“I still haven’t fully come around after the inexplicable joy of singing Belshazzar. Perhaps this is because when we began, I couldn’t possibly imagine that I would fall in love head to toe with this piece and it would be able to trigger such intense emotions in me. This year’s Let the Country Sing experience has surpassed even my very first one, which is quite an achievement.”
Katalin Wéber (Let the Country Sing, 2019)